Oregon MUFON's preferred method of reporting a UFO event is through our parent organization's website. Report a UFO event directly to MUFON.

If you would prefer not to report your sighting to MUFON directly (though we hope you will), for now, you can email Oregon MUFON at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Be sure to include the following if you know them:

  • Time of first sighting the object(s). For example, "10:05 PM," "8:50 PM," etc.
  • How long the sighting lasts. For example, "about one minute," "about 10 seconds, "about 20 minutes," etc.
  • Shape of object(s). For example, "football," "disk," "round," "squarish," "like a scaffolding," "like a blimp," "like a hat," "like a bowl in the sky," etc.
  • Color of object(s). For example, "bluish-purple," "faint red," "greenish," etc.
  • Color and position of "lights" (if any) on object(s). For example, "whitish light on nose," "red light in exact center on bottom," etc.
  • Your location. For example, "my backyard," "in the motel parking lot," "out my window," etc.
  • Direction you were looking. For example, "east at first, then it moved to the west," or "it was moving toward the old water tower," or "it was over the tallest tree in my neighborhood." However, try to learn the compass directions if you can.
  • How big the object(s) was in relation to the full moon in the sky or to the cruising altitude of a commercial jet. For example, "it was definitely bigger than a commercial jet," or "it was covered by my thumb held at arm's length."
  • Movements it might have made. For example, "it hovered and then shot out of sight" or "it meandered around and then sort of disappeared."

Of course, if you can provide a drawing done soon after the event while it is still fresh in your mind, that would be great. If you can provide photographic evidence, whether film or digital, or videotape evidence, that would be great, too.

Please note that for photographic evidence, film is better since it is harder to manipulate after the fact. But if you've got unmanipulated digital photos (just as they came out of your camera), that is fine, too. And for videotape evidence, analog is better than digital since the original videotape is harder to manipulate, whereas digital is far less valuable since it can be manipulated easily by common computer programs nowadays.  A warning for you amateur CGI fans out there:  MUFON's photo and film/video analysts include consultants with CGI expertise.  At the first sign of a fake, they will declare your entire photo or film/video a fake. Just be forewarned.

We at Oregon MUFON will certainly look at your digital photos and tapes, but our ability to analyze the photos and tapes by ourselves is limited. We have some expertise, but it is certainly not at the level of MUFON headquarters. We will be happy to contact the MUFON photo and video consultants if we feel that it is warranted (that is, your bona fides are all in order and the evidence looks interesting enough to us).